Writing a 'Human Resource Machine' Emulator in Elm
Table of Contents
I'm working on an Elm emulator for the the game Human Resource Machine. The goal of the game is to use a sort of "assembly-like" language to control a character and have them perform requested tasks. The player puts commands together by dragging commands around as blocks. Its a basically a "visual" assembly language. The levels in the game have been fun and challenging enough to keep me interested.
Each level is presented as a conveyor belt inbox, a conveyor belt outbox, and some place to work with. The player is asked to transform the input in some way, using the commands that are available for this level.
I thought it would be a fun exercise to write an emulator for the the game in Elm. I want to fix a number of usability issues I see in the game. Also, I've been wanting to learn to write games. While this isn't a game, it is closely tied to a game, and I think it addresses the same desire.
I'm still learning Elm, so this code probably has many flaws. Still, I believe it is useful to see things through my eyes, as they are, now. If you notice something that could be better, please, let me know in the comments.
1 Goals and Ideas
What would make a good online emulator, something that people might find worth using?
- The HRM editor is very basic. While good, I find it frustrating because of the inability to write comments, among other things. Later on in the game, you gain the ability to create little comment-y slips of paper, but this requires you to actually "draw" the words with your mouse/trackpad. It is really, really bad. I'd much rather work with "normal" comments, and there is no practical reason
- Instead of working with text, in HRM you drag around boxes with words in them. This is more akin to programming with the MIT scratch project than traditional programming. This is OK, and I think it is a good idea for beginners, but I personally want to write text.
I first wanted to write a "proof-of-concept", from which I can add more features, over time.
The smallest design that I could come up with for this proof-of-concept is:
- Only emulate the first level, which has the most basic set of instructions.
- Each second, apply the next instruction to the machine status.
- Show the machine status after each instruction is calculated.
The first level consists of a simple task: For each item on an inbox conveyor belt, place it on the outbox conveyor belt. We are given two possible instructions: 'inbox', and 'outbox'. The 'inbox' command instructs the character to pick something up off the inbox and hold it in their hands. The 'outbox' command says to place whatever is being held on the outbox.
3 The Program
Lets go through the solution, piece by piece, starting with the most straightforward pieces first.
3.1 Model
The easiest way to represent instructions is as a Union type:
type Instruction = Inbox | Outbox
Hard-coding the solution program as an array of instructions makes this proof of concept easier:
program : Array Instruction program = Array.fromList [ Inbox , Outbox , Inbox , Outbox , Inbox , Outbox ]
It seems like every Elm program has a "Model" type, and this is no exception:
import Array exposing (Array) type alias Model = { program : Array Instruction , status : MachineStatus }
So, model is a combination between a program and an emulated "machine".
There is some forward thinking going on in this design. The model could be slightly simpler for this MVP, but part of the goal of this iteration is to explore what the solution may look like in the future.
is listed as part of the model, although it needn't be in this case, since it is hard-coded and won't change. However, we want this to be different very soon, so it makes sense to just put this on the model, for now.status
is a separate type because in the future I want to maintain a list of all statuss, for debuggability. It becomes just a little easier to refactor to a list if it is separate, and allows for a little bit of exploration of what aMachineStatus
type should contain.
type alias MachineStatus = { status : Status , held : Maybe Value , input : List Value , output : List Value , pc : Int } type Status = Running | Complete | Error String
signifies execution completion. I strongly suspect that this will go somewhere else, as it feels strange to have it in here. But, this is OK for now.held
represents the current value that is being held. In HRM, what you hold is akin to a CPU register; your character do calculations with and moves values to and from their hands – which, really, is just like real life. This is aMaybe
because it is possible for the hands to be empty.input
represents the input conveyor. Values are taken from it and manipulated.output
represents the output conveyor, onto which values are placed.pc
represents the "program counter". This is the index of the next instruction to be executed.
You may notice that the above references a Value
. This is the "values" that may be worked with
in the game:
type Value = Int
For now, we are only working with integers.
3.2 Program Scaffolding & View
I'm not sure where to mention this, but I want to include here the bits and pieces that make the program actually run. I think its helpful to get them out of the way.
import Html.App as Html main : Program Never main = Html.program { init = init, view = view, update = update, subscriptions = subscriptions }
The program is an Html.program
, with the basic wiring.
import Time exposing (Time, second) subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = Time.every second Tick
Tick each second. The only input the program receives for now are ticks.
The view can also be made fairly simple:
import Html exposing (Html, div, text) -- VIEW renderState : MachineState -> Html a renderState state = div [] [text (toString state)] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ div [] [text (toString model.program)] , renderState model.state ]
Instead of worrying about anything very complicated, we just use Elm's toString
to create a user-readable version of the data structure.
3.3 The Update
The "meat" of the application is the update functionality. This is the code that actually emulates the machine.
With our types defined, the code is not necessarily overly-complicated:
-- UPDATE type Msg = Tick Time update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) update action model = case action of Tick newTime -> let isComplete = model.state.status in case isComplete of Running -> (stepModel model, Cmd.none) _ -> (model, Cmd.none)
The function update
is the main loop. On each tick of the clock,
apply an instrution and compute the next version of the model
if the machine is still running.
I didn't point this out earlier, but there are two other status types:
and Error String
. Complete indicates that the program completed
successfully, and is no longer running. Error String
provides a way to report
an error if the program tries to do something invalid, such as:
- Finish without the correct values being on the output conveyor.
- Tries to pick up something from the input conveyor when the conveyor is empty.
- Tries to place something on the output conveyor when the character is not holding anything.
Although, there are others. Next up, stepModel
, which is where things begin
to get interesting.
stepModel : Model -> Model stepModel model = let curr = currentInstruction model.program model.state.pc in case curr of Just instruction -> processInstruction instruction model Nothing -> updateState model (\s-> { s | status = Error "The machine attempted to access an invalid instruction."})
Before calculating the next state, Calculating the next value of the model involves:
- Finding the current instruction to execute.
- Performing a specific action based upon the current instruction.
- Performing some bookkeeping: Move to the next counter, complete the state if the program has finished, etc.
Lets look at each of these functions, one at a time.
currentInstruction : Array Instruction -> Int -> Instruction currentInstruction instructions pc = case (Array.get pc instructions) of Just a -> a Nothing -> Debug.crash "you're trying to access an instruction that doesn't exist"
This is one of those situations where a type system makes things interesting. I wouldn't have
thought about Array.get
possibly failing without it returning a Maybe
, which I then have
to deal with.
updateState : Model -> (MachineState -> MachineState) -> Model updateState model updater = let newState = updater model.state in { model | state = newState } stepPC : Model -> Model stepPC model = updateState model (\s-> {s | pc = s.pc + 1 }) completeIfFinished : Model -> Model completeIfFinished model = let programLength = Array.length model.program pc = model.state.pc in if pc < programLength then model else updateState model complete shiftInboxToHands : Model -> Model shiftInboxToHands model = let first = List.head model.state.input rest = case List.tail model.state.input of Just r -> r Nothing -> [] in case first of Just val -> updateState model (\s-> { s | held = Just val, input = rest}) Nothing -> updateState model (\s-> {s | status = Error "tried to pick up an item from the inbox, but inbox was empty" }) -- state manipulators complete : MachineState -> MachineState complete state = { state | status = Complete } shiftHandsToOutbox : Model -> Model shiftHandsToOutbox model = let currentState = model.state in case model.state.held of Nothing -> updateState model complete Just val -> { model | state = { currentState | held = Nothing, output = (val :: currentState.output) }} stepModel : Model -> Model stepModel model = let curr = currentInstruction model.program model.state.pc in case curr of Inbox -> shiftInboxToHands model |> stepPC |> completeIfFinished Outbox -> shiftHandsToOutbox model |> stepPC |> completeIfFinished